the scrunchies on my wrists are like soft and fluffy little talismen, little amulets, little (is there a specific word for a magical bracelet??) rings of positivity that send such good vibes flowing up my arms. when i am feeling angry or upset, i hold the scrunchies up to my face and i rub their gentle surfaces up against my stubble: this calms me and reassures me that there is nothing more to the universe than Beings having Experiences and my Experience is valid. if i really need support, sometimes i kiss them, gently and softly, but i kiss them all the same. when my legs are moving me through the world, i look at my scrunchies and i feel as though i have found myself.
when i am walking down the street, i love to glance down at the scrunchie and see how the shade of purple i have chosen mixes with the colors of the bracelets and clothing i have thrown on that day. putting on the scrunchies and bracelets is my favorite part of getting ready: the moment when my clothes are on and i can greedily, spontaneously select the colors with which i feel the most connection that day. it is so incredible how connected our emotions our with color. the light purple scrunchie on my wrist gives me a calmer, more peaceful internal energy while the dark purple one has me feeling a little feisty and ready to assert.
somehow it’s those various shades of purple, and those shades of pink that seem like they are almost purple, that make me feel most deeply connected with the part of my soul that i once thought was evil but have learned to love and to embrace. that’s why my variety pack of purple-shades scrunchies is so special to me! when i look at a whole band of purpley and pinkish shades, i somehow see me reflected back to me. but i’m also finding connections with other colors that i never even imagined before!
oh, and before i forget: i cannot f%$ing wait for my purple olivia rodrigo nikes to arrive!!!!!
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