two types of trees: greys in Daniella — representations of evil forces working in our world? (additional note: these same stories happened in our physical world) (teenage debates about the greys)
pondering the mystery of the greys in Daniella and in my own life
Two types of demons, two types of trees?
Above: the beings from “silence” — doctor who
Physical world account 1 - my friend J and a memory swirl with Erica? The creature screaming in the woods
My account (physical world - Erica is J; S is Jeremy, who may have also been present with J in the physical world)
Erica in dream world, aligns more closely with J’s memory in physical world as expressed to me:
Physical world account 2 (scroll past for additional audio):
the same stories below happened in our physical world:
physical world Jeremy also wanted to go down in a ball of fire:
Jeremy, aligns with what his physical counterpart told me in this world:
above: from “silence” in doctor who