Share this post💖 snowflakeangelbutterfly 💖2012 blog (January-March 2012)Copy linkFacebookEmailNotesMore2012 blog (January-March 2012)(Blog from January-March 1 2012)eloise daniellaDec 14, 20242Share this post💖 snowflakeangelbutterfly 💖2012 blog (January-March 2012)Copy linkFacebookEmailNotesMoreShareArticle voiceover1×0:00-5:08Audio playback is not supported on your browser. Please upgrade.short stories & novelettesdaniella: my 2019 novel ❤️ (recording complete) (scroll to second half for novel 💖)eloise-hypatia daniella·December 4, 2024Read full storyfirst love: a novella (recording complete)eloise-hypatia daniella·December 12, 2024Read full storymusic, memory, non-existence (final post -- published March 1, 2012)eloise-hypatia daniella·December 14, 2024Above: Kolkata, IndiaRead full storyshaping your own identity (thoughts on the feminine mystique, part 1 of 3) -- published ~spring 2012eloise-hypatia daniella·December 14, 2024thoughts on the feminine mystique: part 1 of 3Read full storythe dangers of traditional marriage (thoughts on the feminine mystique, part 2 of 3) -- published ~spring 2012eloise-hypatia daniella·December 14, 2024Read full storythe masculine mystique (thoughts on the feminine mystique, part 3 of 3) — published ~spring 2012eloise-hypatia daniella·December 14, 2024thoughts on the feminine mystique: part 3 of 3Read full storyan elaborately meaningless mess (published ~early 2012)eloise-hypatia daniella·December 14, 2024Sometimes I wish from curiosity that I could see the world naked. I wonder what it would be like if I could look at my table without having any concept of a table in my mind, if I could look at a water bottle without having any notion of a water bottle in my head. I imagine sitting here in this chair, looking out the window to my right at these tall rec…Read full storyi am a human being (published ~early 2012)eloise-hypatia daniella·December 14, 2024My world became much larger in July of 2007. I spent a month studying in Cambridge, England. But my heightened awareness did not stem primarily from the lectures on British foreign and social welfare policies. These were lessons that could have been packaged and delivered anywhere. It came instead from the serene and relaxed sensation that I felt somewh…Read full storyA Pet Kitty, and Progress through Conflict (published ~early 2012)eloise-hypatia daniella·December 14, 2024Over Christmas my family began heaping vitriol upon me at the dinner table because I wanted a pet kitty. For a cluster of minutes, I sat listening to them as they listed a myriad of reasons why cats suck. More than a couple times they informed me that I must not under any circumstances purchase a cat.Read full storymy healthy(ish) anxiety (a reaction to "the heart of buddha's teaching" by thich nhat hanh) -- written ~spring 2012eloise-hypatia daniella·December 14, 2024I recently came to believe for a couple days that ceaseless happiness and uninterrupted internal peace (free from anxiety and fear of death) were both attainable and desirable for me. That was after I read The Heart of Buddha’s Teaching by Thich Nhat Hanh. The book’s imploration to live in the moment seemed to speak directly to me, since my mind is so o…Read full storychoosing happiness (published ~early 2012)eloise-hypatia daniella·December 14, 2024I met an old friend the other day, and she told me that if I run into serious financial problems next year, then I will inevitably be unhappy and depressed.💖 snowflakeangelbutterfly 💖 is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.Read full storythe problem with thanking god (written ~early 2012)eloise-hypatia daniella·December 14, 2024💖 snowflakeangelbutterfly 💖 is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.Read full storyconfronting my own mortality (published ~december 2011)eloise-hypatia daniella·December 14, 2024I was sitting in my room reading the night I found out Steve Jobs died. And it was the same friend who texted me when complications of esophageal cancer exterminated the mind of Christopher Hitchens (“your hero is dead”) who also sent me a message telling me that the man responsible for the existence of my MacBook Pro was no longer a thinking, rational,…Read full story💖 snowflakeangelbutterfly 💖 is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.Subscribe