Share this post💖 snowflakeangelbutterfly 💖daniella: my 2019 novel ❤️ (recording complete)Copy linkFacebookEmailNotesMoreshort stories & novelettesdaniella: my 2019 novel ❤️ (recording complete)my 2019 novel in its disintegrated form: a journey in the dream worldeloise daniellaDec 04, 2024Share this post💖 snowflakeangelbutterfly 💖daniella: my 2019 novel ❤️ (recording complete)Copy linkFacebookEmailNotesMore4ShareArticle voiceover1×0:00-10:08Audio playback is not supported on your browser. Please upgrade.short stories (read at any time):andrew, nathan, cameron, and daniella: a short story from andrew's perspectiveeloise-hypatia·December 8, 2024In 6th grade, my friends and I decided we wanted to start a band even though almost none of us could play any instruments. We wrote songs about fucking different chicks and my dad found one of them. He told me he was disgusted and couldn’t believe such things would occur to me. I told him my friend wrote it alone and I just had a copy.Read full storyshort stories & novelettesdaniella and kirsten (andrew's girlfriend): a short story from kirsten's perspective eloise-hypatia·December 3, 2024I sat next to my boyfriend, Andrew, on the plane to Frankfurt. I was on my way to study for the summer in Germany with a group from my school.Read full storyshort stories & novelettesdaniella and nathan: a short story from nathan's perspective eloise-hypatia·December 3, 2024We hid in the garage behind the garbage cans and kissed on the lips. He and I had just finished fourth grade, but we pretended we were parents with a family. I’d cook the meals using my sister’s toy kitchen appliances. He’d come home from work and I’d kiss him on the lips. It was June and we liked to run through the backyard sprinklers in our bathing su…Read full storyshort stories & novelettesdaniella and jordan: a story of possession eloise-hypatia·December 3, 2024Jordan:Read full storyshort stories & novelettesdaniella and jeremy: a story of possession eloise-hypatia·December 3, 2024Jeremy:Read full storynovel:Daniella (prologue, part i): Hannah i — start here! eloise-hypatia·December 2, 2024Above: Estonia April 2019Read full storyDaniella (prologue, part ii): Hannah ii eloise-hypatia·December 2, 2024Above: Munich 2022Read full storyDaniella (prologue, part iii): Hannah iii eloise-hypatia·December 2, 2024Above: Iceland, July 10, 2024Read full storyDaniella (prologue, part iv): Hannah iv eloise-hypatia·December 2, 2024I checked my email for the first time in weeks on my German host family’s desktop computer. I had thirty emails from Ross. He asked me repeatedly if everything was okay between us. He wrote long stories about his love for me. He vividly described important moments he felt we’d shared together. He told me he was worried I’d cheat on him. I skimmed throug…Read full storyDaniella (part 1): Hannah, Chapter 5 (written 2019) eloise-hypatia·December 2, 2024start here:Read full storyDaniella (part 2): Andrew Chapter 2 eloise-hypatia·December 2, 2024Read full storyDaniella (part 3): Hannah Chapter 6 eloise-hypatia·December 2, 2024Read full storyDaniella (part 4): Hannah Chapter 11 eloise-hypatia·December 2, 2024Hannah as narrator:Read full storyDaniella (part 5): Hannah Chapter 12 eloise-hypatia·December 2, 2024Becoming a rich woman, looking out at Big Dipper and imagining her out there,Read full storyDaniella (part 6): Hannah Chapter 13 eloise-hypatia·December 2, 2024Hannah as narrator:Read full storyDaniella (part 7): Daniella Chapter One eloise-hypatia·December 2, 2024Daniella as narratorRead full storyDaniella (part 8): Daniella Chapter Two eloise-hypatia·December 2, 2024Daniella as narratorRead full storyDaniella (part 9): Daniella Chapter Three eloise-hypatia·December 2, 2024Above: Lake Como, Italy, 2022💖 snowflakeangelbutterfly 💖 is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.Read full storyDaniella (part 10): Daniella Chapter Four eloise-hypatia·December 2, 2024Above: Czech Republic 2022Read full storyDaniella (part 11): Daniella Chapter Five eloise-hypatia·December 2, 2024Daniella as narrator:Read full storyDaniella (part 12): Daniella Chapter Six eloise-hypatia·December 2, 2024Daniella as narrator:Read full storyDaniella (Part 13, i) -- Freiburg — Americans Abroad, Hannah's Search for Daniella from multiple perspectives eloise-hypatia·December 2, 2024Above: Munich 2022Read full storyDaniella (Part 13, ii) -- Berlin — Americans Abroad, Hannah's Search for Daniella from multiple perspectives eloise-hypatia·December 2, 2024Above: Estonia 2019Read full storyDaniella (Part 13, iii) -- Slovenia — Americans Abroad, Hannah's Search for Daniella from multiple perspectives eloise-hypatia·December 2, 2024Above: Lake Como 2022Read full storyDaniella (Part 13, iv) -- Romania — Americans Abroad, Hannah's Search for Daniella from multiple perspectives eloise-hypatia·December 2, 2024Above: Lake Como 2022Read full storyDaniella (Part 13, v) -- Albania to Cappadocia — Americans Abroad, Hannah's Search for Daniella from multiple perspectives eloise-hypatia·December 2, 2024Above: Ireland 2021Read full storyDaniella (Part 13, vi) -- the Black Sea, Georgia, and Armenia —Americans Abroad, Hannah's Search for Daniella from multiple perspectives eloise-hypatia·December 2, 2024Above: Vienna 2022Read full storyDaniella (Part 13, vii) -- Freiburg — Americans Abroad, Hannah's Search for Daniella from multiple perspectives eloise-hypatia·December 2, 2024Above: Freiburg 2009Read full storyDaniella (part 14, daniella abroad, i): Cluj, Romania; April 2007 eloise-hypatia·December 2, 2024Above: Genoa 2022Read full storyDaniella (part 14, daniella abroad, ii): Brasov, Romania; January to July 2008 eloise-hypatia·December 2, 2024Chapter Two: Brasov (January to July 2008)Read full storyDaniella (part 14, daniella abroad, iii): Kazbegi, Republic of Georgia; September 2008 eloise-hypatia·December 2, 2024Above: Vienna 2022Read full storyDaniella (part 14, daniella abroad, iv): Kolkata, India; March 2011 eloise-hypatia·December 2, 2024Himalayas March 2015 — photo my ownRead full storyDaniella (part 15, andrew lured to daniella, i): East Lansing, Michigan eloise-hypatia·December 2, 2024Chapter One: Andrew’s Freshman YearRead full storyDaniella (part 15, andrew lured to daniella, ii): Michigan eloise-hypatia·December 2, 2024Chapter Two: HedonismRead full storyDaniella (part 15, andrew lured to daniella, iii): the end of college eloise-hypatia·December 2, 2024Chapter Three: At Michigan State, While Alexa and Hannah are in Germany; GraduationRead full storyDaniella (part 15, andrew lured to daniella, iv): herr schmidt returns eloise-hypatia·December 2, 2024Chapter Four: Herr Schmidt ReturnsRead full storyDaniella (part 16): hannah after europe, i eloise-hypatia·December 2, 2024Above: Czech Republic, 2022Read full storyDaniella (part 16): hannah after europe, ii eloise-hypatia·December 2, 2024Above: Marquette, Michigan October 2023Read full storyDaniella (part 17): the sacrifice (Himalayas, India) eloise-hypatia·December 2, 2024Daniella as narratorRead full storyDaniella (Part 18 — the end): Hannah, Romania bound at Dulles Airport eloise-hypatia·December 2, 2024hannah as narratorRead full story💖 snowflakeangelbutterfly 💖 is a reader-supported publication. 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