am I a reincarnation of Christopher Hitchens? (Claire Cottrill was the artist in the ancient world who created this octopus)
Just a question for the void
did our daughter Sophia come with us? did i meet her?
is Nancy Christopher’s second wife, carol? She wrote this piece in 2012 and I can’t find a trace of her through search engines
Was Christopher Hitchens affected by my own religious trauma?
Dec 14 - the moment I woke up from the dream world for the first time (this life)?
scroll down for more audio 💖
Additional Questions
The happy nights Christopher Hitchens gave to various conservative politicians in Britain:
was Christopher Hitchens keeping my grandma informed about all this? (Correction: Christmas 2011)
more evidence my grandma judee was informed about all this:
To think — some in my family suggested my grandma needed to be protected from my book — a hedge witch with a good disguise:
Christopher Hitchens and my focus on the emancipation of women:
did Christopher Hitchens write letters to a young contrarian so that I’d read it when he died?
Source for picture: