Sep 16Liked by andrew jelinek

so insightful! also just going to applaud the way you were so specific with that trigger warning--if you're going to use one, THAT'S how you do it! I find it so irritating when I see people just go 'trigger warning btw' like ...for what?? how is it helpful if you don't specify who it might be helpful for?? anyway apols for the rant, just appreciate seeing things done properly

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Thank you!!!! 🩷🩷🩷I remember in the early days, maybe 2015-2016, trigger warnings were a little out of control in a lot of Facebook groups: this is ancient history but there would be these long exhaustive lists of every possible thing the person could come up with. So for a while I was kind of like, skeptical of trigger warnings. But we can’t define them according to every way they’re used: obviously someone shouldn’t have to read that quote if they are struggling with religious trauma

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